Hi, my name is Sheila Parker. Welcome to our website. We all try yoga for different reasons. I tried it hoping to find relief from pain, but what I found is so much more. I found peace and a new connection between mind and body as I learned to tune in out all of the old negative recordings in my head and tune in to what my body was trying to tell me. I found new inner strength as I learned to push myself in ways I didn’t know were possible. My heart has been filled with joy and as I have learned to let go of the things that do not serve me. The list is never ending of the many benefits we can receive through our yoga practice. We are lifelong students. There is no finish line to cross. There are only infinite possibilities of what we can become, of ways we can serve one another and our planet. Yoga has become a part of who I am and teaching is one of the ways I feel I can serve others. contribute to society and serve others.
I am passionate about sharing what has helped transform my life in a way that allows me to live more consciously. I can’t imagine trying to navigate my way through life without it. It is my intention to create a space where everyone feels welcome to explore and discover all of the benefits yoga has to offer. In my class, you can expect to feel safe and supported as I present challenges and inspiration to help deepen your yoga practice both on and off that mat. I offer clear concise instruction while focusing on alignment and breath. I enjoy helping my students advance through verbal and physical adjustments. It is my hope that every student leaves feeling refreshed and nourished. I enjoy teaching in a classroom setting and I love helping students one on one through private lessons. I am honored to be even a small part of the journey that leads to growth, peace, healing, and ultimately the gift of unwrapping of true self.